Welcome to Path & Green!

Bringing Hope & Security to Lorain County Families

In the heart of Lorain County, Path & Green stands tall as a beacon of hope for girls in need. Formally established as a 501(c)(3) organization, Path & Green is dedicated to fighting hygiene insecurity and period poverty, two often overlooked, yet critical challenges faced by many girls today.

The Birth of a Noble Mission

Our founder, a former educator, witnessed first-hand the impact of hygiene insecurity on her students. Without access to basic hygiene products, these girls' classroom performance suffered. Their attendance declined, and their mental health deteriorated. This led her to initiate a movement that's much more than just providing supplies – it's about restoring dignity, confidence, and hope.

Hygiene Insecurity is the first casualty of poverty. Hygiene Insecurity refers to the inability of individuals to access or purchase essential personal care items, such as shampoo, body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, or menstrual products. A staggering 18% of girls in Lorain County live below the federal poverty line, making them particularly susceptible to this kind of insecurity.

Supporting Our Vulnerable Teen Girls

Adolescence is already challenging, but the current global scenario has further exacerbated the pressures on teen girls. The pandemic has not just been a health crisis but a mental health catastrophe as well. Data from the CDC reveals a heart-wrenching 50% rise in suspected suicide rates among teen girls between June 2020 and March 2021. Now, more than ever, our young girls need support, understanding, and resources.

Tackling Period Poverty Head-On

Period poverty, much like hygiene insecurity, is the inability to purchase or access vital menstrual products, such as tampons or sanitary pads. It's a daunting reality that 2 in 5 girls in America has missed school because of period poverty. The burden disproportionately falls on students of color, those from low-income backgrounds, and those residing in rural areas.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Path & Green isn't just an organization; it's a community movement. By addressing these issues head-on, we can provide a brighter future for the girls of Lorain County. Together, we can ensure that no girl is held back by the constraints of poverty, lack of resources, or societal taboos.

Join us in this noble mission. Support Path & Green, and let's pave the path towards a more inclusive, understanding, and caring community.


Why Supporting Girls Through Adolescence Matters